The Difference Between KLEE, MG University and CUSAT and Other LLB Entrance Tests


The entry to a law college involves a lengthy process. It starts right from the application to preparing for the exam and then the exam itself.   Not just preparing but also cracking it in the right manner. Obviously, the effort should yield results.

Now once the candidate clears the exam, it seems finally everything is done. No, things do not end here. The admission process starts next. Here again, due care needs be taken to enter the right college.

At every stage there are confusions galore! Often, we receive panic calls from our students in each of these stages. That too at the last minute. There have been instances of students unable to secure admission in spite of good exam scores.  Such a scenario has to be avoided at all costs.

Through this blog, we at JobSecura, would like to offer our advice and guidance to all eager and aspiring students planning for a future career in law. We would also like to bring to notice, certain changes in the recently announced 2023 LLBentrance examinations.


Please note:

v  MG university notification for 5-year LLB entrance exam for is out and dates have been announced.   There is a difference as compared to Kerala Law Entrance Examination (KLEE) for which most students apply. In MG university, there is an age limitation. Applicants should not have crossed 20 years of age as on July 1st 2023. In the case of KLEE, one is still eligible to apply even if they exceeded 20 years of age.


v  The KLEE examination score includes negative marking for each wrong answer. It has total two hundred questions. However, in the case of MG university LLB entrance, there is no negative marking. Again, there are only eighty questions in total. All student-aspirants must remember this and prepare accordingly. For example, they can take more risk in MG university while marking their answers.


v  Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) has released notification and dates for CUSAT 2023 five- year and three-year LLB programs. A major difference as compared to last year is that CUSAT has removed the age bar for its five-year LLB course. Last year, many students who applied for KLEE were unable to apply for CUSAT LLB entrance due to this restriction.


v  Does preparation for KLEE automatically ensure a parallel preparation for CUSAT LLB entrance? The answer is a blunt - no. There are similarities no doubt like the English section but there are glaring differences as well. CUSAT LLB entrance exam question paper has 150 questions. The legal section has only 25 questions. Compared to this KLEE gives the highest weightage to legal section with 70 questions.


v  Logical section is assigned a high degree of importance in CUSAT. It has almost 50 questions. This section is skill based. It is not just memorizing and reproducing. It requires extensive practice and skill building. Such practice has to help students grasp the knack of logical linking and answering in a jiffy. As compared to this, KLEE does not have a logical section going by previous question paper patterns.


v  As far as dates are concerned, there again seems to be a major change in comparison to 2022 exams.  Everything has been released and is set for an earlier date. Let us take the case of MG University.  Their notification was released on Feb 7th 2023, while previous year i.e.  2022, it was released on March 7th.  The MG LLB entrance exam in 2022 took place on May 27th and 29th. For this year, the exam dates are – 6th and 7th May. Almost, three weeks before. In CUSAT, the difference is more visible. The 2022 LLB exams took place on June 23rd while for 2023 it is set to take place on April 30th. For 2022, CUSAT notification was released on Feb 22nd. This year – 2023, it came on Jan 23rd.


v  All applicants are advised to download their hall ticket for MG University by constantly checking on the university web site for any form of intimation and new development.  Do not expect to receive an email in your inbox asking you to do the same. Hence, proactively scan the website once you have applied.


v  CUET is going to enter in a big way this year if indications are anything to go by. Many national and central universities are moving into CUET based selection The notification for 2023 exams has been released. Lat date of application is March 23rd. The exams will start from May 21st onwards. Preparation for CUET involves proper understanding of not just Legal but English and Logical reasoning as well.


The takeaways –

·         Two major universities in Kerala have preponed their exams as compared to last year. This indicates early KLEE exams for 2023 also.


·         We mentioned in one of our blogs earlier that preparation of one exam is preparation for another.  That still holds true but there are certain visible differences in each exam pattern and syllabus. Therefore, an additional thrust on certain topics is unavoidable.  Even KLEE three- year and five-year exam differs.


·         Most importantly – start the preparation RIGHT NOW. Yes, this is the right time. The preponement of dates means shrinkage of time. Do not wait for plus two exams to get over.  Start now so that you can - study in ease, at peace and with expertise. Of course, one must accordingly balance plus two exams and any entrance preparation.


·         Please do not miss out on any LLB entrance test. It is a measurement of where you stand and how you need to move ahead. For example - Go for KLEE if that is what you want but always good to try out CUSAT also.


JobSecura is there to help you. How? –

Ø  Log into our app - Law Eminence and attend the CUSAT 2021 test. It is the best way to kickstart your LLB entrances preparation for 2023.


Ø  Approach our team for more mock tests through Law Eminence such as the CUSAT 2020 model papers.


Ø  We are there to guide you for almost every major LLB entrance exam – KLEE, CUSAT, MG, Jamia, AMU, BHU, CUET


Ø  With more than 14 years of proven credibility and two thousand plus students placed in top law colleges of Kerala and India. In 2022, we had 176 achievers in total!



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