CLAT 2023

The Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) for the year 2023 will be held in December 2022. This was announced by the consortium of National Law Universities (NLU) on November 14, 2021. It is perhaps for the first time that 2 CLAT exams will be conducted in the same year. Normally the exams take place in May. A main reason for the NLU consortium to take a decision to this effect was the perennial clash with plus two board exams. Law aspirant students were finding it difficult to balance studies for both. This preponement offers a great opportunity for CLAT exam takers to prepare beforehand. At the same time, there is a time challenge. Six months of preparation is effectively reduced. So it is necessary to start right now! It is also necessary to prepare systematically. That of course goes without saying for an extremely all-India competitive exam like CLAT. Everything you want to know CLAT: v The Exam – CLAT is a national-level entrance examination fo...