The first step for a student deciding to enter the legal arena is to select the law college he or she would like to join. This may not be an instant decision. With minor exceptions, most of the students keep their options open. The main reason of course is the increasing level of competitiveness in Law exam entrances. One cannot narrow or zero-in on a particular law school or college.

It a tough world out there - There may be a choice but there is no guarantee that one will get in the chosen college. It is better to broaden the options. For example, getting into a Government Law College in Kerela through the Kerala Law Entrance Exam(KLEE) is high on the priority list. However, KLEE has only a ten percent success rate. It is then only prudent that exam attendee attempt other LLB entrance tests as well – CUSAT, Delhi University, Symbiosis, Benares Hindu University, Telangana University, CUET law entrances, Kannur university, Jamaia Millia, Aligarh Muslim University …… and many more.


Now the big question that comes to a law exam-preparing student’s mind.  Is preparation for one test sufficient? This is the question that we at Jobsecura often get bombarded with. Mostly at the initial enquiry level from student and their parents. Through this blog, we aim to reach out to all students with the required information. It will help them to prepare for all the major national law entrances tests.


Preparing for KLEE @ Jobsecura –

Coming back to the earlier question – Is our preparation module helping the students to ready themselves for all the above-mentioned universities and colleges?

The answer is a categorical YES. No two ways about it! If you join Jobsecura to prepare for KLEE, by the time you leave, we train, mentor and fine- tune you to face any law entrance exam in India with absolute confidence.

That’s one good thing about all Law entrance exams in India. The sections are almost the same. It is only the content that varies to a certain extent in the different universities and their exams.

And how exactly do we do it? Let’s go section by section.  


Legal: The most important section for every entrance exam is legal.

·         Broadly any LLB entrance exam legal section consists of questions on IPC, Torts, Constitution, Contract, Legal maxims, Legal terms.


·         The difference is in the probing pattern. CUSAT for example asks questions through citation of actual cases.  Delhi University on the other hand poses questions through example case studies of X and Y. Now a CUET exam can ask from all of them. KLEE legal section till now was also mix and match but in 2022 it asked many cases study-based questions.


·         It can also happen that suddenly the pattern of all the universities may completely change. Not in terms of new topics but in terms of number of questions asked from the various topics. One has to be ready for that as well.


·         Here at JobSecura, we first give you depth training on all topics of legal.  Then we make customised content suited for different universities.

English: Next in terms of importance comes English. In one way, English is perhaps the most important since all sections except mental ability, demand a good knowledge of English Language.

·         English section is a combination of vocabulary and grammar in all LLB entrance exams.


·         The KLEE English section has a major inherent advantage. It covers many aspects of core knowledge like comprehension and reading, prepositions, articles, idioms, sentence improvement, synonyms and antonyms, subject-verb, reported speech, one-word substitutes, fill in the blanks.


·         Compared to KLEE, other exams have a much smaller question pattern. But not to leave out anything to change, we are including new topics in English especially on grammar-based questions.


General Knowledge and current affairs: The methodology in Jobsecura for this section is simple. The more the better and merrier!  

·         We have a dedicated faculty team focused on exhaustive coverage of current affairs. Every major and minor national as well domestic news is prepared note- wise and covered in the class.


·         Similarly with static GK. Our team understands that maximum information has to be collated and passed to the students.


·         The question pattern in KLEE Current affairs and other exams rely on extensive content enhancement. That’s about it!


·         Our current affairs classes cover details of even small events and new developments that have taken place. So, while questions may come from a major event like FIFA 2022, in equal measure we cover the 2022 Winter Olympics as well.


Mental ability: This is a section than can turn out to be a migraine for many students, especially for the humanities students. Is it so? Not necessarily. Certainly not in Jobsecura !

·         We ensure that every student solves mental ability problem through extensive personalised mentoring and hand- holding.

·         The mental ability topics we cover in KLEE is comprehensive and it seamlessly enables our students to face the mental ability questions of all other LLB entrances.


·         The KLEE mental ability topics include – Blood relation, coding and decoding, syllogism, distance and direction, speed and time, time and work, etc.


·         For national level exams like MHCET (Maharashtra Common Entrance Test) CUET and CUSAT, questions will come from statements also. These are also covered in our mental ability section.


To sum it up, as we mentioned earlier, Jobsecura Calicut trains you, mentors you and equips you for every LLB entrance exam conducted by all the major universities in India. Online tests through Law Eminence app covers more than 15,000 questions of the major universities.

What more could one ask for?


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