The Difference Between KLEE, MG University and CUSAT and Other LLB Entrance Tests

The entry to a law college involves a lengthy process. It starts right from the application to preparing for the exam and then the exam itself. Not just preparing but also cracking it in the right manner. Obviously, the effort should yield results. Now once the candidate clears the exam, it seems finally everything is done. No, things do not end here. The admission process starts next. Here again, due care needs be taken to enter the right college. At every stage there are confusions galore! Often, we receive panic calls from our students in each of these stages. That too at the last minute. There have been instances of students unable to secure admission in spite of good exam scores. Such a scenario has to be avoided at all costs. Through this blog, we at JobSecura, would like to offer our advice and guidance to all eager and aspiring students planning for a future career in law. We would also like to bring to notice, certain changes in the recen...