Final Preparation for CLAT

There is just little over a month left for CLAT 2023 entrance exams . The date, as we know is December 22, 2022- predated almost six months. The CLAT consortium has announced that no CLAT exam will be held in May 2023. This effectively erases a repeat attempt hope for all candidates. It means that each and every CLAT aspirant has to give their best on December 18 th 2022. Every student-aspirant must be in their last stage of preparation. The nervousness quotient is obviously rising due to exam blues. Through this blog, we attempt to reach out to all these students and help them with useful tips. Some dos and don’ts for CLAT exam – Ø The command over English language - It may be a cliché but its importance can never diminish. The CLAT exam in its new pattern i.e., from 2020 onwards is totally different. All the sections including even Quantitative Techniques, presents the questions in a passage format. Reading, comp...